由于选择偏差,观察数据估算平均治疗效果(ATE)是有挑战性的。现有作品主要以两种方式应对这一挑战。一些研究人员建议构建满足正交条件的分数函数,该函数确保已建立的估计量“正交”更加健壮。其他人探索表示模型,以实现治疗组和受控群体之间的平衡表示。但是,现有研究未能进行1)在表示空间中歧视受控单元以避免过度平衡的问题; 2)充分利用“正交信息”。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于最新协变量平衡表示方法和正交机器学习理论的中等平衡的表示学习(MBRL)框架。该框架可保护表示形式免于通过多任务学习过度平衡。同时,MBRL将噪声正交性信息纳入培训和验证阶段,以实现更好的ATE估计。与现有的最新方法相比,基准和模拟数据集的全面实验表明,我们方法对治疗效应估计的优越性和鲁棒性。
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经济学和医疗保健方面的许多实际决策问题寻求从观察数据中估算平均治疗效果(ATE)。双重/辩护的机器学习(DML)是观察性研究中估计吃量的普遍方法之一。但是,DML估计器可能会遇到错误的问题,甚至在倾向分数被弄错或非常接近0或1时进行极端估计。现有文献从理论的角度解决了这个问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种健壮的因果学习(RCL)方法,以抵消DML估计量的缺陷。从理论上讲,RCL估计量i)与DML估计器一样一致且双重稳健,ii)可以摆脱错误混合问题。从经验上讲,全面的实验表明,i)RCL估计器比DML估计器给出了因果参数的稳定估计,ii)RCL估计器在模拟和基准标准数据集上应用不同的机器学习模型时,RCL估计器优于传统估计器及其变体。 。
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在这项工作中,我们考虑了多代理拾取和交付(MAPD)问题,在该问题中,代理商不断参与新任务,并需要计划无碰撞的路径以执行它们。要执行任务,代理需要访问由接送位置和交货位置组成的两对目标位置。我们提出了两种算法的变体,该变体使用Anytime Algorithm大型邻域搜索(LNS)为每个代理分配一系列任务,并使用多代理路径查找(MAPF)基于算法优先级搜索(PBS)计划路径。 LNS-PBS已完善,用于良好的MAPD实例,MAPD实例的现实子类,并且比现有完整的MAPD算法中央更有效。 LNS-WPBS没有提供完整的保证,但在经验上比LNS-PBS更高效和稳定。它扩展到大型仓库中数千名代理商和数千个任务,并且在经验上比现有的可伸缩MAPD算法HBH+MLA*更有效。 LNS-PBS和LNS-WPB也适用于MAPD的更一般变体,即多目标MAPD(MG-MAPD)问题,其中任务可以具有不同数量的目标位置。
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审查多个机器人的无碰撞路径的目的对于现实世界多机器人系统很重要,并且已被研究为在图形上的优化问题,称为多代理路径查找(MAPF)。这篇评论调查了不同类别的经典和最先进的MAPF算法,并进行了不同的研究尝试,以应对将MAPF技术推广到现实世界情景的挑战。最新的发现解决MAPF问题是在计算上具有挑战性的。最近的进步导致了MAPF算法,该算法可以在运行时计算数百个机器人和数千个导航任务的无碰撞路径。 MAPF的许多变体已被正式化,以使MAPF技术适应不同的现实需求,例如机器人运动学的考虑,实时系统的在线优化以及任务分配和路径计划的集成。用于MAPF问题的摘要算法技术已经解决了多个多机器人应用程序的重要方面,包括自动仓库履行和分类,自动化火车调度以及非独立机器人和四轮驱动器的导航。这展示了它们在大型多机器人系统的现实应用中的潜力。
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在本文中,提出了一种新型的数据驱动方法,称为“增强图像缺陷”,用于飞机空气数据传感器(AD)的故障检测(FD)。典范飞机空气数据传感器的FD问题,开发了基于深神经网络(DNN)的边缘设备上的在线FD方案。首先,将飞机惯性参考单元测量作为等效输入,可扩展到不同的飞机/飞行案件。收集了与6种不同的飞机/飞行条件相关的数据,以在培训/测试数据库中提供多样性(可伸缩性)。然后提出了基于DNN的飞行条件预测的增强图像缺乏。原始数据被重塑为用于卷积操作的灰度图像,并分析并指出了增强的必要性。讨论了不同种类的增强方法,即翻转,重复,瓷砖及其组合,结果表明,在图像矩阵的两个轴上的所有重复操作都会导致DNN的最佳性能。基于GRAD-CAM研究了DNN的可解释性,这提供了更好的理解并进一步巩固DNN的鲁棒性。接下来,DNN型号,具有增强图像缺陷数据的VGG-16将针对移动硬件部署进行了优化。修剪DNN后,具有高精度(略微上升0.27%)的轻质模型(比原始VGG-16小98.79%),并获得了快速速度(时间延迟减少87.54%)。并实施了基于TPE的DNN的超参数优化,并确定了超参数的最佳组合(学习速率0.001,迭代时期600和批次尺寸100的最高精度为0.987)。最后,开发了基于Edge设备Jetson Nano的在线FD部署,并实现了飞机的实时监控。我们认为,这种方法是针对解决其他类似领域的FD问题的启发性。
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Machine Reading Comprehension has become one of the most advanced and popular research topics in the fields of Natural Language Processing in recent years. The classification of answerability questions is a relatively significant sub-task in machine reading comprehension; however, there haven't been many studies. Retro-Reader is one of the studies that has solved this problem effectively. However, the encoders of most traditional machine reading comprehension models in general and Retro-Reader, in particular, have not been able to exploit the contextual semantic information of the context completely. Inspired by SemBERT, we use semantic role labels from the SRL task to add semantics to pre-trained language models such as mBERT, XLM-R, PhoBERT. This experiment was conducted to compare the influence of semantics on the classification of answerability for the Vietnamese machine reading comprehension. Additionally, we hope this experiment will enhance the encoder for the Retro-Reader model's Sketchy Reading Module. The improved Retro-Reader model's encoder with semantics was first applied to the Vietnamese Machine Reading Comprehension task and obtained positive results.
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While the rollout of the fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is underway across the globe with the intention to deliver 4K/8K UHD videos, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) content to the mass amounts of users, the coverage and throughput are still one of the most significant issues, especially in the rural areas, where only 5G in the low-frequency band are being deployed. This called for a high-performance adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithm that can maximize the user quality of experience given 5G network characteristics and data rate of UHD contents. Recently, many of the newly proposed ABR techniques were machine-learning based. Among that, Pensieve is one of the state-of-the-art techniques, which utilized reinforcement-learning to generate an ABR algorithm based on observation of past decision performance. By incorporating the context of the 5G network and UHD content, Pensieve has been optimized into Pensieve 5G. New QoE metrics that more accurately represent the QoE of UHD video streaming on the different types of devices were proposed and used to evaluate Pensieve 5G against other ABR techniques including the original Pensieve. The results from the simulation based on the real 5G Standalone (SA) network throughput shows that Pensieve 5G outperforms both conventional algorithms and Pensieve with the average QoE improvement of 8.8% and 14.2%, respectively. Additionally, Pensieve 5G also performed well on the commercial 5G NR-NR Dual Connectivity (NR-DC) Network, despite the training being done solely using the data from the 5G Standalone (SA) network.
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This paper introduces a learned hierarchical B-frame coding scheme in response to the Grand Challenge on Neural Network-based Video Coding at ISCAS 2023. We address specifically three issues, including (1) B-frame coding, (2) YUV 4:2:0 coding, and (3) content-adaptive variable-rate coding with only one single model. Most learned video codecs operate internally in the RGB domain for P-frame coding. B-frame coding for YUV 4:2:0 content is largely under-explored. In addition, while there have been prior works on variable-rate coding with conditional convolution, most of them fail to consider the content information. We build our scheme on conditional augmented normalized flows (CANF). It features conditional motion and inter-frame codecs for efficient B-frame coding. To cope with YUV 4:2:0 content, two conditional inter-frame codecs are used to process the Y and UV components separately, with the coding of the UV components conditioned additionally on the Y component. Moreover, we introduce adaptive feature modulation in every convolutional layer, taking into account both the content information and the coding levels of B-frames to achieve content-adaptive variable-rate coding. Experimental results show that our model outperforms x265 and the winner of last year's challenge on commonly used datasets in terms of PSNR-YUV.
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